Photos of Wales – Aberglaslyn, Fairy Glen, Croesor

AndyL wrote: 

It was a top weekend. Multiple runs down the Aberglaslyn gorge after an early start for myself, stu and rick whilst waiting for stu’s mate Dan to arrive. Then it was off to the Llugwy for a run down Pont Cyfygn involving plenty of looking and safety cover (and Ric spending some alone time behind the curtain of one drop). 
All this and it was only lunchtime.

My mates from Nottingham, Ash and Robin were just about functioning after a night in Bangor and met us and off we went to Fairy Glen. A slight look of bewilderment on Stu and Ric’s faces at the apearence of Robin’s full face helmet was amusing, before they headed to the get-in and Ric dropped his boat which nearly soloed the Glen.
Two runs later and it was dark. An interesting evening spent in the barn cooking and lighting the fire rounded off a good day.

Sunday saw us at the get-out for an unlikely looking run: the Croesor. The get-in looked equally dubious, but, not to be detered, we kitted up for the 2km of V-VI according to the guidebook. Looking more like a ditch, the first section required several tree portages and dodging various others and scraping round rocks. I was scouting and filming (not paddling) which helped speed things up, and resulted in lots of footage – watch this space. Several small drops and narrow chutes kept things interesting until the main drop was reach-an interesting looking horizon line. After some thought the drop was run, I even got in on the action by borrowing Ash’s boat and blades. Some more drops and chutes followed including an unrunnable fall near the end.

It was mid afternoon but the Lledr was our destination, so 14.30 saw us getting on with the possibility of a short walk out to the road if necessary with light being in short supply. An interesting line down Pont y Pant falls saw me and my Kingpin spun round before an inadvertent end, courtesy of catching the back of my boat on a rock, saw me finish the drop facing the right way, result! A quick portage for me of the entrance drop to the Rhiw Gorge saw the boys in the big boats all style the line. Excellent challenging run, plenty of IV to keep things interesting. Dont forget to stop and inspect Viaduct Falls, a committing V rapid run with varying degrees of success: Robin sidesurfing the stopper at the bottom, and Ric not to be out-done getting backlooped in his Jefe – before the river eases off to the get out above the confluence with the Conwy Fariy Glen run. 


boating in wales video

Boating in Wales Jan 08

Pictures, by AndyL, in no particular order: “Say NO to camping. Just say no.” “Aberglasyn gorge.” “Fairy Glen.” “Creosor, Horizon Line Ahoy” 

Links to maps in Chris Sladden’s books: Upper Conwy (Fairy Glen), Aberglaslyn gorge and Creosor.

More photos on facebook

See previous post for llugwy video (Pont Cyfyng).

3 Responses

  1. Only a few of your pictures are visible. Please get that fixed so we can see the others.

    It would also be helpful if you would post some maps to show us where these great whitewater rivers are located.


  2. Hiya, thanks for your comment – hopefully pictures now fixed for this post – I’ll get round to other posts sometime.

    Yes, ideas of how to post maps are v welcome, I think its interesting to think about best ways to display that info.

    Recently there was a discussion on UKRGB about good ways to do that, and there are new ways all the time:

    I like your idea, but unfortunately, on this blog at least, i-frames are not supported. I might try it out on non sites though.

    I’ll have a dig around and see if there is any easy way of helping users pin their reports onto a map.

    If you are thinking of a trip over to Wales, the best online resources are Chris Sladden’s book, info and map is online here:

    or UKRGB Wales pages, although currently that doesn’t particulary have integrated maps yet.

    Have fun on the river,

    Cheers, Helen

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